O Cory, O Tory I shall tell a story About a man who loves glory Glory he thinks comes from himself conclusory Remember the tale of Narcissus The lad fell into the lake full of hocus pocus Staring at his own reflection as flawless as hibiscus Forever he may think he is a basilicus Perfect he thinks of his life The thought had become a pocketknife Which sent him quickly to the afterlife ----0000---- Sir Phil-O-Sophy is a honorable senior lecturer He spends his day teaching and walking from corridor to corridor Wearing shirt and trousers; leading his apprentices to the holly altar of science Books, scrolls, quills and spectacles every pupils must have Old documents to be read; Science within to be caught Sir Phil-O-Sophy has every apprentices' respect He is aware of it and he deserves it Until one day he stares at his reflection in the mirror "I am old and I am wise I know a lot of things people do not I have everything a man wish to have Apprentices who f...
I sometimes laugh happily, another time I cry in my sleep.